Labels:book | reckoner | shelf | sky OCR: Monthly Departments October 1995 ENT ERT Performing Arts: Windham Hill proudly features Jim Brickman and Andy Narell. PER SONAL PRO DUCTIVITY Games Blackbox pud Diversions: morel; (Macintosh) (Windows Play Try your Billy's hand Quest at Mancala Bubba Home Office: (Windows Janet Attard brings us new power anc more! tools including Win Cap, Jocalc and more! (Macintosh) Check Kidzone: Kidz Shareware: (Macintosh) The Greai test Paper outmore tools including Mac Math Pro Personal I Log. and more Airplanes, Macman and more! (Windows) Choplifter, Bail tno Plus: Media Bank resources include the music and sounds Bob, and more Felix Mendelssohn and Sergei Prokofiev, graphics and fonts your Comput computer terWare: with The latest up-to-date and anti-virus video solutions; drivers: plus: protect the ...